The original initiative was to establish a red deer stud, importing the best genetics in the world, with the intention of improving the red deer herds existing in our country. We started this activity in 1995 and the first pedigree stags arrived in the winter of 1996. In 1997 we acquired 7 pure stags and 5 pure hinds, all of English origin. In the following years we introduced English and Eastern European blood, which allowed us to make crosses with excellent results.
Since the year 2000 we introduce in our herds the world's best genetics by importing standing animals, embryos and semen from New Zealand, a country admired throughout the world for the quality of its red deer, allowing us to supply the local market with reproducers and trophies for hunting grounds of international quality.
As a result of these years of work and investment, today we can confirm that Estancia San Pedro is the national reference in red deer, both for the genetics of our animals and experience in handling deer in captivity. This same experience allows us to grow and expand our horizon to other species and that is why we currently have under management and genetic improvement of deer dama, axis deer, antelopes, four horned sheeps and mouflons.